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I’m a Jamaican girl, born and raised. GSU alum. Wine connoisseur. Hair enthusiast. Dramatic. Dreamer. Confidante. F1 Lover. Party planner. Writer. Loudmouth.

A Little Older

  • May 22, 2024
  • by

Before we knew it, days turned into weeks, turned into months, turned into years
Suddenly, we were the grown-ups we couldn’t wait to be 
We’re not the same kids we used to be
Different time zones, different schedules, different obligations, responsibilities, different, well…everything

The plans change from “We’re going everywhere tonight!” to “I need to nap.”

Endless nights that left remnants of the previous night’s adventures on all the roads turned into heading home early because we had work in the morning

To our surprise, people were calling us for advice, not just frivolity

Days turned into weeks, turned into months, turned into years

Our biggest obstacles, some we thought we could never get past are fleeting distant memories, a funny story or a moment of growth

Many of the things we thought so desperately mattered, —didn’t; that’s a relief

Days turned into weeks, turned into months, turned into years

High school sweethearts turned into engagements, engagements to marriages
Of course the reverse happened for many of us. The seriousness of puppy love left a lot of us scarred and still searching. Some us content with solitude — 

Friendships turned into bonds, turned into family
Some bonds broke, but it was for the best
And some were broken and rebuilt and broken and rebuilt again
We had to learn discernment; not everyone who started with you is going to finish with you

Everything makes a little bit more sense, but the funny thing about that is, the more you figure it out, the more it becomes blurry. The only difference is you’re a little more firm in your conviction, definitely more sure of yourself, and have learned to handle the blurred lines a bit better

The conversations change, those 3 a.m. parked car conversations suddenly have more depth and magnitude. Some life-changing decisions happen right when the sun is about to come up, but the person you choose to sit with stays the same 

The get-togethers require more planning, more time in advance, but it’s still the same people you want to get together with
The adventure changes, but we know who we want to come along for the ride and laugh and sing and chat to, the whole time

Life changes, for sure, but we know the people we want to do it with

We’re all a little older, a little wiser, a bit more cautious, but we’re still those same kids; we just have to take a nap first.

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    Donna Fong Kong-Numa

    22nd May 2024 - 1:41 am

    I love this!

      Zosha Morgan

      22nd May 2024 - 3:29 am

      A poignant piece which captures the essence of getting a “little older” that resonates with multiple generations.


    22nd May 2024 - 1:44 am

    Amazing and thoughtful


      3rd Jun 2024 - 1:24 am

      Thanks friend!


    22nd May 2024 - 4:00 am

    Fahbulous! It resonates across the ages the years, the relationships. Well done my dahling!!

    Fisayo Omilana

    22nd May 2024 - 6:37 pm

    What a relief, indeed. Well said.

    Christopher Stewart

    24th May 2024 - 1:55 pm

    This is absolutely an amazing piece


      3rd Jun 2024 - 1:24 am

      Thank you!

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Jamaican Girl | Writer | Creator

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